Take the energy market by storm

And rely on an expert to help you define benchmarks and objectives, as well as a competitive landscape.

The advantages

of our approach stem from a deep understanding of the market, its trends, and of your strategic positioning.

We collaborate with a pool of experts who assist us in identifying key indicators for each market using a unique and proven methodology.

Understanding the market

through clear identification of its segments, players, and trends is essential.

A comprehensive and quantitative market overview enables the company to position itself and assess the potential of its development project.

Quantifying the opportunity

involves analysing the indicators and benchmarks of each segment, as well as their specific growth factors.

Assessing market dynamics enables the establishment of realistic 3-5 year objectives for the project under consideration.

Mapping the landscape

involves identifying key players, both producers and consumers, and developing a positioning framework.

Understanding the competitive environment and customer profiles is essential for outlining the strategic positioning of the company leading the project.

Case Study

Understanding market dynamics to bring two companies closer together.

A successful SME in the energy sector sought a merger-acquisition operation accompanied by a Leveraged Management Buy-Out (LMBO). To quantify key indicators (financial, economic, specific actors, etc.), a financial intermediary advising the SME engaged us to assess market dynamics and quantify the company’s prospects based on its recent performance.

The study enabled the quantification of numerous factors influencing the company’s trajectory and valuation: market segmentation, 3-5 year growth rates, competitive landscape, and development avenues for the company. Subsequently, the capital operation was successfully executed.